ECG Local Chapters & Hubs form the backbone of our movement. Active members work to implement the ECG by organising local events, making contact with companies and networking. This courses will help you join or even start a new chapter or group.

  • Duration of the course ~ 1,5 h
  • Method: Online | Self-Study | Peer-Groups
  • Who is it for?  Volunteers in ECG Local Chapters
  • Previous knowledge: ECG Courses 01 & 02
  • Learning Content: Tools & helpful tips for your active entry as a member of an ECG Local Chapter (LC)

  • Dauer des Kurses ~ 1,5 Stunden
  • Methode: Online | Selbstlerner | Austausch
  • Zielgruppe: Ehrenamtliche in GWÖ-Regionalgruppen
  • Vorkenntnisse: GWÖ Kurse 01 & 02
  • Lerninhalte: Hier erhältst du alle notwendigen Informationen zur Gründung und Arbeit in einer GWÖ Regionalgruppe in deiner Region und International

  • Estimated learning duration: ~12 hours
  • Course method: Online | Live
  • Level: Prospective RG coordinators, volunteers
  • Prerequisites: ECG Courses 01 
  • Learning outcomes: Structure of the ECG movement, roles of coordinators of local groups, hubs and working groups, WIKI and other IT tools, corporate identity, templates, successful and appreciative communication with volunteers, leadership and conflict management, motivation, talents and strengths, networking and experience sharing
  • Trainer: /
The course will consist of five sessions, each 2 1/2h long, starting at 7 pm CET. Of course there will be breaks in between.